
Thursday, September 20, 2018

First Assignment, Fall 2018

Pick one of the items below.
  • Berry and Wilcox finished most of the research for the 6th edition of The Interest Group Society by the end of 2016.  Pick any chapter and write an epilogue that brings it up to date.  That is, how have the events of 2017 and 2018 either confirmed their analysis or suggested the need for revision?
  • Pick any industry (e.g., energy, finance, gambling) and analyze how it is contributing in the 2018 campaign so far:  What accounts for this pattern? Consider historical trends and the issues before Congress.  How would the industry respond if Democrats took control of the House?
  • Pick any proposition on the fall 2018 California statewide ballot:   Who are its top supporters and opponents?  Why do they take those positions?  What is the likely outcome? 
  • Write on a topic of your choice, subject to my approval. 
  • Document your claims. Do not write from the top of your head. 
  • Essays should be typed (12-point), double-spaced, and no more than four pages long. I will not read past the fourth page. Please submit papers as Word documents, not pdfs. 
  • Cite your sources with endnotes in Chicago/Turabian style. Endnote pages do not count against the page limit. 
  • Watch your spelling, grammar, diction, and punctuation. Errors will count against you. 
  • Turn in essays to the class Sakai dropbox by 11:59 PM, Friday, October 5. Late essays will drop a gradepoint for one day’s lateness, a full letter grade after that. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

For Anyone who is interested in the Thank you for Smoking clip, I'll attach a link to the clip that is publicly available

If you are looking for the full movie I can't help you there. I don't know anything about the website or the fact that if someone has a basic adblock app on their browser and does not allow push notifications it is possible to watch the entire film risk free. Because I do not know this I can't recommend it even if it were something I theoretically did.